Hi there, welcome to the casting page. Here you'll find details of all the voice and performance projects I'm currently casting for. Check out the relevant breakdown, I'm looking forward to receiving your submission.
Corporate VO 30s 40s sound - Gender non-specific. English. Any accent.
Casting open 08/12/2022 - please read brief below
We are looking to urgently cast a fab UK VO or Actor for this corporate. We'd like to hear submissions from all genders, ethnicities and identities – sounding age 30s-40s. We are looking for a friendly and natural read please. As if you are a real person chatting enthusiastically about the subject. Can you please record the following sample script and send mp3s to Please label your mp3s as follows. Maximum two versions in ONE file please. LloydsWCH_YOUR NAME_1 VERSION (fill as appropriate for you) In your email can you include any links to websites/showreels/experience etc. and also state whether you have recorded on an iPhone or your home studio – please read below. Sample script: “You own your career at Lloyds banking group, so if you are ready to consider your opportunities, are you asking yourself questions such as: “What should my next move be?” , “How can I reach that next step?” and “I wonder what my options are for furthering my development?”. The workday career hub is here to help you. No matter where you are in your career, the workday career hub can provide you with personalised recommendations for your development.” The feel has to be natural and bright. We want to believe that we are listening to a real person chatting here – so please AVOID being too corporate in your read. Think natural speech. Fee: £250 BSF Total fee for this one £250 all in. Usage - internal use only. Non broadcast, no socials, no YouTube, no public access. Record session will be at the Voice Reel Studio, Woking and will take one hour. You can also use your own home studio if you have one, provided it's great quality and we can dial in via zoom to direct the session. If you cannot attend a session in Woking and you would like to use your studio then please record your audition using your studio set-up so we can assess for audio quality. Otherwise an iphone recording is fine for submissions. Regrettably, due to the number of submissions we receive we can only reply if you are shortlisted/successful. Please rest assured we do listen to each and every submission in detail and we are very grateful for your time in applying.
Thai language corporate VO
Casting open 07/10/2022 - please read brief below
Thai VO male or female. 30's 40's. We are looking to cast a voiceover artist to voice a 10 minute corporate video in Thai. Submissions are invited from native Thai speakers only please who also speak fluent English as the session will be recorded with a British engineer/director in the UK. Age range 30s 40s – bright and enthusiastic – you are a sales manager communicating your passion and strategy to your workforce. We need this one to be relaxed and real rather than salesy. So not over the top. You're just chatting to your staff about your new sales strategy. The project is a customer service instructional video for a retail company, aimed at customer-facing retail staff. We will need you to record a sample script which we are waiting to recieve from our client, but for now please send through reels and links to Please title your email THAI VO In your email can you please include any links to websites/showreels/experience etc. Sample script Thai: Sample script will be with us soon but please send through reels now so we can begin the casting process. Fee: £300 BSF. The VO is for internal use only, no broadcast, no socials, no You Tube, no public access. Total fee for this one is £300 all in. Record session will be at the Voice Reel Studio, Woking. You can also use your own home studio if you have one, provided it's great quality and we can dial in via zoom to direct the session. If you cannot attend a session in Woking and you would like to use your studio then please record your audition using your studio set-up so we can assess for audio quality. Otherwise an iphone recording is fine for submissions. Regrettably, due to the number of submissions we receive we can only reply if you are shortlisted/successful. Please rest assured we do listen to each and every submission in detail and we are very grateful for your time in applying.
Mandarin and Cantonese language corporate videos
Casting open 07/10/2022 - please read brief below
Two VO artists/actors needed. Mandarin and Cantonese VOs (2xvideos) male or female. 30's 40's. We are looking to cast two voiceover artists (OR one VO who speaks both languages) to voice two 10 minute corporate videos in (simplified) Mandarin and (traditional) Cantonese. Submissions are invited from native Mandarin and Cantonese speakers only please who also speak fluent English as the session will be recorded with a British engineer/director in the UK. Age range 30s 40s – bright and enthusiastic – you are a sales manager communicating your passion and strategy to your workforce. We need this one to be relaxed and real rather than salesy. So not over the top. You're just chatting to your staff about your new sales strategy. The project is a customer service instructional video for a retail company, aimed at customer-facing retail staff. Can you please record one OR both of the sample scripts below and send through to Please title your email MANDARIN VO or CANTONESE VO and label your mp3 as follows. Maximum 2 versions in ONE file please. MANDARIN_YOUR NAME_1 version - fill in as appropriate, Mandarin or Cantonese etc, you get the picture :) In your email can you please include any links to websites/showreels/experience etc. Sample script MANDARIN: 我们业务的焦点是顾客,每一次为他们提供卓越的体验都将有助于我们的顾客再次光临,同时改善我们与他们的关系。 服务的本质(Service Essentials)能帮助您了解到为您和您的部门提供优质服务所需的基础。 那么,一个好的服务是什么样的呢? 在SSP,我们有一个明确的5步顾客服务框架,我们称之为「HIGH FIVE 。 它奠定了我们希望我们的团队为顾客提供的服务基础,也有助于你如何提供出色的体验。 通过遵循「HIGH FIVE」服务步骤,你将能够定期并持续地提供卓越的服务,为顾客创造良好的体验。 在SSP,卓越的客户服务意味着遵循着最佳实践,如珍惜客户的时间,在互动时保持愉快的态度,提供所需的知识和对产品的理解,但也不害怕超越,而不仅仅是满足客户的期望。 Sample script CANTONESE: 我們業務的焦點是顧客,每一次為他們提供卓越的體驗都將有助於我們的顧客再次光臨,同時改善我們與他們的關係。 服務的本質(Service Essentials)能幫助您瞭解到為您和您的部門提供優質服務所需的基礎。 那麼,一個好的服務是什麼樣的呢? 在SSP,我們有一個明確的5步顧客服務框架,我們稱之為「HIGH FIVE」。 它奠定了我們希望我們的團隊為顧客提供的服務基礎,也有助於你如何提供出色的體驗。 通過遵循「HIGH FIVE」服務步驟,你將能夠定期並持續地提供卓越的服務,為顧客創造良好的體驗。 在SSP,卓越的客戶服務意味著遵循著最佳實踐,如珍惜客戶的時間,在互動時保持愉快的態度,提供所需的知識和對產品的理解,但也不害怕超越,而不僅僅是滿足客戶的期望。 我們的「HIGH FIVE」服務步驟是: Fee: £300 BSF. The VO is for internal use only, no broadcast, no socials, no You Tube, no public access. Total fee for this one is £300 all in. Record session will be at the Voice Reel Studio, Woking. You can also use your own home studio if you have one, provided it's great quality and we can dial in via zoom to direct the session. If you cannot attend a session in Woking and you would like to use your studio then please record your audition using your studio set-up so we can assess for audio quality. Otherwise an iphone recording is fine for submissions. Regrettably, due to the number of submissions we receive we can only reply if you are shortlisted/successful. Please rest assured we do listen to each and every submission in detail and we are very grateful for your time in applying.
Finnish language corporate VO
Casting open 29/09/2022 - please send in submissions
FINNISH VO male or female. 30's 40's. We are looking to cast a voiceover artist to voice a 10 minute corporate video in Finnish. Submissions are invited from native Finnish speakers only please who also speak fluent English as the session will be recorded with a British engineer/director in the UK. Age range 30s 40s – bright and enthusiastic – you are a sales manager communicating your passion and strategy to your workforce. We need this one to be relaxed and real rather than salesy. So not over the top. You're just chatting to your staff about your new sales strategy. The project is a customer service instructional video for a retail company, aimed at customer-facing retail staff. Can you please record the following sample script and send through to Please title your email FINNISH VO and label your mp3 as follows. Maximum 2 versions in ONE file please. FINLAND_YOUR NAME_1 version (fill in as appropriate for you) In your email can you please include any links to websites/showreels/experience etc. Please record a short intro in English, something like "Hi, my name is "" and here's my read" is all we need. Then record the following. Sample script FINNISH; “Asiakkaat ovat liiketoimintamme keskiössä. Kun pystymme tarjoamaan erinomaisen kokemuksen heille aina, varmistamme heidän tulonsa meille uudelleen ja samalla parannamme asiakassuhdettamme. Service Essentials auttoi sinua ymmärtämään periaatteita, joita tarvitaan loistavaan asiakaspalveluun. No, miltä loistava asiakaspalvelu näyttää? SSP:llä on selkeä 5-askeleen malli asiakaspalvelutilanteeseen, jota kutsumme nimellä ‘high five’. Se määrittelee palvelutason, jota ME odotamme tiimiemme toteuttavan asiakkaillemme ja se auttaa SINUA toteuttamaan loistavan asiakaspalvelukokemuksen.” Fee: £300 BSF. The VO is for internal use only, no broadcast, no socials, no You Tube, no public access. Total fee for this one is £300 all in. Record session will be at the Voice Reel Studio, Woking. You can also use your own home studio if you have one, provided it's great quality and we can dial in via zoom to direct the session. If you cannot attend a session in Woking and you would like to use your studio then please record your audition using your studio set-up so we can assess for audio quality. Otherwise an iphone recording is fine for submissions. Regrettably, due to the number of submissions we receive we can only reply if you are shortlisted/successful. Please rest assured we do listen to each and every submission in detail and we are very grateful for your time in applying.
Norwegian language corporate VO
Casting open 30/08/2022 - please send in submissions
Norwegian VO male or female. 30's 40's. We are looking to cast a voiceover artist to voice a 10 minute corporate video in Norwegian. Submissions are invited from native Norwegian speakers only please who also speak fluent English as the session will be recorded with a British engineer/director in the UK. Age range 30s 40s – bright and enthusiastic – you are a sales manager communicating your passion and strategy to your workforce. We need this one to be relaxed and real rather than salesy. So not over the top. You're just chatting to your staff about your new sales strategy. The project is a customer service instructional video for a retail company, aimed at customer-facing retail staff. Can you please record the following sample script and send through to Please title your email NORWEGIAN VO and label your mp3 as follows. Maximum 2 versions in ONE file please. NORWAY_YOUR NAME_1 version (fill in as appropriate for you) In your email can you please include any links to websites/showreels/experience etc. Please record a short intro in English, someting like "Hi, my name is "" and here's my read" is all we need. Then record the following. Sample script NORWEGIAN; "Kundene er essensielle for vår virksomhet og sørger vi for en god kundeopplevelse, hver eneste gang, vil dette føre til at de kommer igjen og vi får muligheten til å utvikle vårt forhold til dem. Service essentials har hjulpet deg til å forstå hva som må ligge til grunn for at du og ditt team, kan sørge for den beste kundeservicen. Men, hvordan utfører vi egentlig god kundeservice? I SSP har vi et 5 stegs rammeverk for all kundeservice som vi kaller «HIGH FIVE». Rammeverket definerer hvordan VI forventer at våre team skal levere service til våre kunder, og sørger for at DU vet hvordan du skal levere en god opplevelse for kunden" Fee: £300 BSF. The VO is for internal use only, no broadcast, no socials, no You Tube, no public access. Total fee for this one is £300 all in. Record session will be at the Voice Reel Studio, Woking. You can also use your own home studio if you have one, provided it's great quality and we can dial in via zoom to direct the session. If you cannot attend a session in Woking and you would like to use your studio then please record your audition using your studio set-up so we can assess for audio quality. Otherwise an iphone recording is fine for submissions. Regrettably, due to the number of submissions we receive we can only reply if you are shortlisted/successful. Please rest assured we do listen to each and every submission in detail and we are very grateful for your time in applying.
Swedish language corporate VO
Casting open 30/08/2022 - please send in submissions
Swedish VO male or female. 30's 40's. We are looking to cast a voiceover artist to voice a 10 minute corporate video in Swedish. Submissions are invited from native Swedish speakers only please who also speak fluent English as the session will be recorded with a British engineer/director in the UK. Age range 30s 40s – bright and enthusiastic – you are a sales manager communicating your passion and strategy to your workforce. We need this one to be relaxed and real rather than salesy. So not over the top. You're just chatting to your staff about your new sales strategy. The project is a customer service instructional video for a retail company, aimed at customer-facing retail staff. Can you please record the following sample script and send through to Please title your email SWEDISH VO and label your mp3 as follows. Maximum 2 versions in ONE file please. SWEDEN_YOUR NAME_1 version (fill in as appropriate for you) In your email can you please include any links to websites/showreels/experience etc. Please record a short intro in English, someting like "Hi, my name is "" and here's my read" is all we need. Then record the following. Sample script SWEDISH; Kunderna är i centrum för vår verksamhet och att leverera en fantastisk upplevelse till dem, varje gång, kommer att hjälpa till att behålla dem och att de kommer tillbaka för mer samtidigt som vi förbättrar vår relation med dem. Grundkursen i Service hjälpte dig att förstå de grunder som måste finnas på plats, för både dig och din enhet, för att leverera bra service. Så - hur ser bra service ut? Inom SSP har vi ett tydligt 5-stegs program för kundservice som vi kallar "HIGH FIVE". Det definierar vad vi förväntar oss att våra team ska leverera till våra kunder och hjälper dig att leverera en fantastisk upplevelse. Fee: £300 BSF. The VO is for internal use only, no broadcast, no socials, no You Tube, no public access. Total fee for this one is £300 all in. Record session will be at the Voice Reel Studio, Woking. You can also use your own home studio if you have one, provided it's great quality and we can dial in via zoom to direct the session. If you cannot attend a session in Woking and you would like to use your studio then please record your audition using your studio set-up so we can assess for audio quality. Otherwise an iphone recording is fine for submissions. Regrettably, due to the number of submissions we receive we can only reply if you are shortlisted/successful. Please rest assured we do listen to each and every submission in detail and we are very grateful for your time in applying.
Amira - Animation character
We are looking to cast a female voice actor for this one. Playing age/feel early 20s - fresh, enthusiastic, just out of Uni. We see an animated Amira welcoming us to an online tech experience aimed at graduates. She is talking about her excitement to find her passion within the tech industry. I'm looking for voice actors with BAME heritage for this one please. Can you please record the following sample script and send mp3s to Please label your mp3s as follows. Maximum two versions in ONE file please. AMIRA_YOUR NAME_1 VERSION (fill as appropriate for you) In your email can you include any links to websites/showreels/experience etc. Sample script; "Hi, I’m Amira! I recently graduated and I'm on a journey of discovery after finding a passion in the world of technology during lockdown, I became obsessed with coding tutorials on YouTube! I’m super excited to be starting my first week on the Graduate Scheme, and as a new grad I have the opportunity to explore the world of tech and see where my true passion lies. I’m feeling ready to innovate, develop some new skills and mainly learn more about all of the different areas in tech!" The feel has to be bright and enthusiastic, she's a cartoon avatar - but also she has to have a real feel to her so think natural speech as if you are meeting a friend over a coffee and you are excitedly telling them about your passion. Fee: £250 BSF + 100% of BSF for buyout in perpetuity. Total fee for this one £500 all in. Usage - internal use only - seen by the candidates who are taking part in the online interactive experience. Non broadcast, no socials, no YouTube, no public access. Record session will be at the Voice Reel Studio, Woking and will take one hour. You can also use your own home studio if you have one, provided it's great quality and we can dial in via zoom to direct the session. If you cannot attend a session in Woking and you would like to use your studio then please record your audition using your studio set-up so we can assess for audio quality. Otherwise an iphone recording is fine for submissions. Regrettably, due to the number of submissions we receive we can only reply if you are shortlisted/successful. Please rest assured we do listen to each and every submission in detail and we are very grateful for your time in applying.